We Are Accused of Terrorism
We are accused of terrorism If we dare to write about the remains of a homeland That is scattered in pieces and in decay In decadence and disarray About a homeland that is searching for a place And about a nation that no longer has a face About a homeland that has nothing left of its great ancient verse But that of wailing and eulogy About a homeland that has nothing in its horizons Of freedoms of different types and ideology About a homeland that forbids us from buying a newspaper Or listen to anything About a homeland where all birds are always not allowed to sing About a homeland that out of horror, its writers are using invisible ink About a homeland that resembles poetry in our country Improvised, imported, loose and of no boundaries Of foreign tongue and soul Detached from Man and Land, ignoring their plight as a whole About a homeland to the negotiating table moves Without a dignity or shoes About a homeland That no more has steadfast men With only women therein Bitterness is in...