SJP Event Tomorrow - Jewish Voices For Peace : Israelis and Jews For Justice in Palestine

If you haven't heard already Students for Justice in Palestine @ UMD will be having an absolutely fascinating event tomorrow!

Here are more details and we hope to see you all there!!

Jewish Voices For Peace :
Israelis and Jews Striving for Justice in Palestine

Jimenez Building
Room 0220
University of Maryland

@ 6 p.m.

Featuring speakers:

Jesse Hochheiser, a member of Ta'ayush (Life in Common) a Jewish-Arab partnership, and Shelley Fudge of Jewish Voices for Peace and CodePink will be coming to UMD to share their experiences and reflections as Jews who are taking action against the occupation and the injustice the Palestinian people face.

This event is sponsored by: UMD Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, CODEPINK Women for Peace, Organization of Arab Students, Muslim Students Association, Muslim Women of Maryland, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)


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